Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Powerpoint stuff

1) One criticism the author had was that Powerpoint is not serious enough, not smart enough, for people to use in their businesses, or in serious presentations, like a work. As he says, "Powerpoint will no do for serious presentations..." To support this claim, he says that these presentations don't relay enough information. Instead of helping the presenter, People who use powerpoint get lazy and relay less information. Furthermore, he says that the bullets don't bring "intellectual discipline" to the presentation, but just help things look organized, without actually organizing them. I find this claim kind of ironic, since many professors use powerpoint in class, and class is a very serious and intellectual activity. I don't agree that people relay less information when they use powerpoints. I have seen lots of Professors provide information that is not on the slide. I do agree that powerpoints can seem kind of silly, but that often depends on how they are set-up. For example, they don't seem very serious when they have too much animation or color, but they can look serious if they are very uniform. Overall, I don't really agree with this arguement.

2) The author also says that Powerpoints are pushy. He says that, in these presentations, the speaker tries to dominate over the audience. The speaker tries to force the audience into his little bullet-point set up. He says that they are "aggressive" and "overmanaged." I think this arguement is just plain dumb. There's nothing remotely aggressive about Powerpoint. Yes, I suppose the audience does have to follow the speaker's line of thinking, but that is true of any presentation.

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